Thursday, August 2, 2012

On Saying Yes.

I could have said no.  It would have been less messy and a whole lot less time on her part.

It started with her asking for the last fourth of the watermelon that was sitting on the counter.  I thought at first, how I knew she couldn't really eat all of that.  But, then I thought how cute she would be putting her whole face into the huge piece of watermelon.

The next time I looked, she was not eating, but working.  Creating.  Dreaming.

As she scooped and mashed and juiced away, I saw delight in her heart.

She said,

"Mom, this is going to be for all the people walking by!"  (to which I thought, 'all the people' meaning, the very few people walking their dogs?)

I could have spoken realism into her hopeful heart. I could have corrected her spelling.

But, then, I wouldn't have had the best watermelon juice I had ever tasted.  And, even though her only customer was her very own Mom, she felt like she had just served the queen.

Sometimes, you have to say no. But not always. And the times that I choose to say yes, seem that much more important.

What are you saying yes to this week?


  1. Yes, you can parachute off the couch, but no not off the roof. Yes, lets finger paint but no not in your newest shirt. Yes, run...jump...spin in the rain... Yes! Let's get muddy and messy! Learning to say yes when no is just easier and less, well messy not for the faint of heart. Thanks for the reminder!
