Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ooh, La, La!

This past weekend, a friend of mine was given quite a gift. She was blessed by her hubby on their date night, in an extraordinary way. Not with flowers, or maybe a box of chocolate. No, he planned a surprise house concert with her favorite band, and about 40 of her closest friends. It wasn't her birthday. Or anniversary...just because he loves her and thinks she's awesome. And she is.

As I sat in this living room filled with artistic wonder, (wide eyed at this adorable little couple who I can't believe hasn't been scooped up and famous in such a way that I'd never be able to be sitting 6 feet away from them) I thought about love. Love that would give people the motivation to sing songs as sweet, but profound as they do. Love that searches out people and finds them with an everlasting love. Love that makes people do crazy things like care for the poor and the needy. Love that gives up all it has, to give you all He has. To make you His everything. This love that's for me. That's for you.

If you haven't heard of Jenny and Tyler, you're missing out...just like I was before last weekend! I bought their cd before they even finished the concert. Go listen to their music for free on their website, or better yet...give yourself an Easter gift, and go get it off iTunes! You'll be so glad you did.

Happy Easter, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I always love hearing of new groups and music. Thanks for the link to the website. Going there now. Happy Easter to you!
