Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On Your Birthday...

Sweet Asher,

After working most of the weekend, I decided to spend yesterday morning trying to straighten out our crazy house. Rearranging furniture and cleaning here and there, until you came home from preschool. Immediately you commented on how great it looked, but then, you couldn't wait to tear apart the sofas and take all the pillows you could find to build a fort.

I refrained myself from stopping you, though (unfortunately) it was my first instinct. Rather, as I saw your excitement about the fort, I realized in that moment, it was more important to build the fort than to have my house straight. It was more of a gift for both of us, to let the messy take up residence for a bit so that we could simply play.

It could very well be, that in just a few short years you won't care so much about the forts I make. You might not even ask me to make them...mine aren't usually the best anyway...but you would never guess by how enthusiastic you were about it. You complimented me on how I was stretching out the blankets, and were so encouraging when I would give an idea of how to structure your secret abode.

It seems that the light of God's love has already taken up such a home in you, that it shines out to all you are around. I love how kind you are to others. How willing you are to share even your most treasured possessions. How you ask if the man on the corner with the sign has enough food to eat, and if we have any we could share. I love that you are already the man that you will become one day. And, more than anything, I love that I get to see that happen.

Ash, you are such a blessing to our family in ways that I can't even explain or understand. You have only lived with us for five years, and yet, your fullness of life seems to expand to a lifetime of joy. You are the most precious son I could ever have, and I am so grateful to be able to be called your Mama.

I love you always.



  1. Melissa, Your writing is such an inspiration and so beautifully done! Love to you guys, Heather S. :-)

  2. Happy Birthday to him. What a sweet note.
