Thursday, June 14, 2012

Myths About Hosting Parties...

One thing I like about hosting parties, is that it always motivates me to get my house somewhat straight. The key word there is somewhat.  But, one thing that makes me sad is when I hear people say things like...

"I can't host parties because my house is just too messy."


"We'd love to have people over more, we just don't have enough places for people to sit."

There are these party myths that I think we've begun believing  a little too much.

I think sometimes, we believe that if we don't have a 3,500 square foot house with several living areas, and lots of seats that we can't "host" well.  I'm here to tell you otherwise.

Last week, one of my friends had her son's birthday party, and I overheard one of the 5 year old guests say, "This was the best party I've ever been to."  You wanna know what they did? Nothing special.  They just played.  Played with legos, rode scooters, ran around with water guns soaking each other, and ate hot dogs and cake.  That's it.  There was no magician with special tricks or a ginormous bouncy house with slides.  They just played.

If we translate this little boy's lesson to what I know about people, I can easily see that the key to a great party isn't in the most expensive location, or the biggest house, or the nicest food, or the cutest favors. The key is simply feeling welcomed and glad that you're there.

The next couple weeks I'm going to write a few posts on party myths and how to overcome them. And then, I'm gonna have a party...I hope you do the same.


  1. I love this series, Melissa. And this post, in particular. I love having parties, but I often get too worked up prepping for them, cleaning, making food, creating the invitations, etc., that by the time the actually party rolls around, I'm exhausted. The preschool graduation party was a nice change of pace for me. I loved doing a potluck and not feeling like I had to provide all the food and have it outside was perfect (thankfully, the weather cooperated.)

    I will say that I do feel the need to have a party every now and then just so I can give the house a good scrubbing and decluttering. I need that pressure to motivate me to get it clean and party perfect.

  2. Melissa, I so agree!
    One of the nicest compliments I've received is, "Your home is so peaceful." Sure, accesories may give a sense of peace. But, I think that the essence of a home comes from those who inhabit it and where their hearts are centered.
    It seems that we all worry about the wrong things when it comes to entertaining. Yes?
    Great post!

    1. Thanks, Diane! I agree, that is a great compliment!! I hope even when my house is a mess, people have that same sense.
