Thursday, February 3, 2011

Unlikely Centerpieces at Home

Even though it's still winter, I still often will bring in the outdoors. I'll cut whatever is still green, and stick in whatever will hold it. I started thinking about how many objects we have in our homes that can be centerpiece "material", that we often look right over. It wasn't until I started playing around with whatever I had at home, that I saw how many unlikely centerpieces were right under my nose.

Today, I'll start with pitchers. Yes, they are wonderful at pouring your guests a drink, but look what else they can do while they're just sitting around.

The texture that they give your arrangements is so lovely. They are much more interesting of a container than just another vase. Also, it clears up my pantry space!

This one is on my dining room table, and you can't even tell that it's a pitcher...

until you peek under the leaves.

See what you have lying never know if you'll find your next "vase" for those evergreens in your yard. I'll have another unlikely centerpiece tip for you tomorrow!

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